Return of BJR

6 Feb 1997


It's been the longest absence of the "Fans of BJR" newsletter since it's first edition in 1971.  But, the last few months have been record setting, both in terms of records and in terms of setting them.   The millions of letters and pleas from the public did not fall on deaf ears.  I have returned.  Let the breakdancing begin.


Unfortunately for some of you not reading this, I lost my mailing list that previously held all the subscribers to my newsletter.  I have tried to compile a new list, but I'm sure several people desperate for a piece of

news from your truly will be crushed to find out they missed out.  If you happen to run into someone who fits this description, reassure them that it's quite easy to get back on the list, that it will cost less that getting a molar removed, and that the only reason they didn't get added was that I didn't really like them that much to begin with.   Of course, several of you reading this are newcomers - mostly unwilling, I'm sure, but newcomers none the less.   This is a lifetime subscription- you will have to kill me to keep from getting this.


The last time I wrote, I think the Civil War had just ended, and Hannibal was about to start his journey with his elephants across the Alps, in search of the woman on the box of Swiss Miss Cocoa (check your history

book, it's there),  Shortly after (a.k.a. in December), I went on vacation - I spent Xmas with my brother and his wife in Monterey, California, then experienced my first two days of skiing in Tahoe.  Let's just say I am an expert.  It's not even close to the truth, but it just sounds so much cooler to say that I'm an expert after two days of skiing rather than saying I did a complete somersault (without leaving the ground or losing

my skis) and that I helped fix a toilet.


After that I returned to the land of the golden burrito, the Bay Area.  I ate at Pollo’s and at Tacqueria La Bamba and at Una Mas.  Recently I even tried my first Thai Chicken Burrito, which I am ashamed about.  It is not a true burrito in the tradition of great Northern California "Burritorias," but is more in the tradition of "Crap."  This joke structure was entirely stolen from Saturday Night Live's Norm MacDonald and his jokes about Kenny G and Latoya Jackson.


My tour of duty in Wisconsin finished up with a trip back to the Machine Shed, where we took pictures of each other riding the tractor (and the pig, I'll admit), as well as a fine photo of each of us with a large slab of pie.  The waitress acted as if everyone doesn't have their picture taken with their pie.  Weird lady.  I'll miss Wisconsin - I have so many fond memories.  Well, not of Wisconsin, but I do have a lot of fine memories. Right now, I am:  1) On an airplane, 2) Inside an airplane, 3) Leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again, 4) Skinning cats in practice for the local cat skin-a-thon.


The answer is of course, that I'm am en route back to my beloved Austin, "The Live Music Capital of The World and The Home of BJR."  I'll be in Chicago Monday through Thursday until sometime after the world ends.  I'm working on a health care account (hey, who isn't these days), and we're basically building a system to make sure you pay twice as much as you did the last time you went to the doctor.  It's nice to know that I really do make a difference in my work.  If you're in Chicago, send me some email. Maybe I'll send you some email back.


The guy next to me on the plane is crazy.  He kept babbling about getting a mixed drink for the first half hour of the plane, hoping he'd get one "on the house."  I hated to tell him that we're not in a house.


I'd like to have an excuse for ending this newsletter here, but I'm out of excuses.  Good night.